Posts in Category: Year - 2024

It is with great sadness that Scancell announces the death of former Chairman John Chiplin

John died on Tuesday after a valiant fight with Motor Neurone Disease. He faced this final challenge with great courage and his usual good humour, and his last years were spent with his family - which brought him great joy. Scancell is forever indebted to John for his chairmanship, which allowed the company to develop and clinically test both the SCIB1 and the Modi-1 vaccines. He was very excited to learn of the promising results of SCIB1 in combination with checkpoint inhibitors in the SCOPE study and remained committed to the development of Scancell products to the end.

Professor Durrant said in tribute: “John was an astute businessman, an excellent chairman and a good friend - he will be sorely missed”.

Scancell founder says the company is ready to commercialise novel medicines to counteract cancer

Scancell's Chief Executive Officer, Lindy Durrant, recently sat down with Sarah Lowther from focusIR. During the interview Lindy highlights Scancell’s innovative cancer vaccines, SCIB1 and Modi-1, providing a recap of the impressive clinical data seen thus far. She also discusses the Company’s strategy to do deals with major pharmaceutical companies and explores how revenues from Scancell’s pre-clinical antibody platform help mitigate risk by providing non-dilutive cash to drive the Company's other assets forward in development.

Watch the Interview with Professor Lindy Durrant and focusIR