Share Information

Other exchanges or trading platforms where Scancell Holdings plc securities are admitted or traded

Scancell Holdings securities are listed on AIM.

The number of securities in issue

The company has an issued share capital of 929,599,977 ordinary shares of 0.1p each, all of which are called up and fully paid.

Directors’ Share Options

The Company has granted the following options to current Directors of the Company. 

Option holder
Option price per ordinary share
Number of ordinary shares under option
Last day of exercise period
Lindy Durrant10.5p9,000,00030 January 2028
Lindy Durrant8.15p1,000,00030 April 2030
Lindy Durrant4.5p3,850,00030 July 2026
Lindy Durrant21.25p9,000,0009 September 2031
Sath Nirmalananthan10.1p1,000,00019 May 2034
Jean-Michel Cosséry17.5p3,000,00020 April 2033
Susan Clement Davies17.5p1,000,00020 April 2033


At 30 April 2024 there was a total of 44,564,544 outstanding share options granted by the Company, with exercise prices ranging between 4.5p and 33.2p.

Percentage of AIM securities not in public hands

As at 31 August 2024 the percentage of AIM securities not in public hands was: 42.72%

Restrictions on the transfer of securities

There are no restrictions on the transfer of shares.

Identity and percentage holdings of significant shareholders

As at 31 August 2024 the identity and percentage holdings of significant shareholders were:

Ordinary shares at 0.1p each
Redmile Group LLC268,616,93628.90%
Vulpes Life Science Fund117,729,02912.66%
Calculus Capital30,831,7213.32%


Director share interests

As at 31 August 2024 shares held by directors of the Company were as follows:

Ordinary shares at 0.1p each
Lindy Durrant2,069,159
Jean-Michel Cosséry454,545